Couples: An Introduction to the R3 Academy Couples Program

Please complete this introductory Session by clicking into the module below and marking it as complete. When you have finished, you will be able to access the subsequent sessions as they’re provided to you weekly – starting this week with Session #1: World...

R3Dads Instant Access

Welcome to the Instant Access (IA) R3 Academy for Dads. This series is divided into 12 sessions which last roughly 2hours each. The R3 Academy system will remember your progress (so long as you leave cookies enabled) and automatically allow you to advance between...

Dads: Introduction to the R3 Academy Dads On-Demand Series

Please complete this introductory Session to begin the Dads Program. When you have finished, you will be able to access the subsequent sessions as they’re provided to you weekly (starting this week with Session #1: Raising World Class Kids Part1). Thanks and...