Find out whether you’re eligible for a
FULL SCHOLARSHIP ($2,500 value)!
Pick your program below.

¡Descubra si es elegible para una
BECA COMPLETA (valor de $ 2,500)!
Elija su programa a continuación

Find out whether you’re eligible for a
FULL SCHOLARSHIP ($2,500 value)!
Pick your program below.

¡Descubra si es elegible para una
BECA COMPLETA (valor de $ 2,500)!
Elija su programa a continuación

Fatherhood Program Info:
  • 12 Courses
  • 3 Class Formats
  • Diverse Topics
  • Practical Resources
Couples Program Info:
  • 12 Courses
  • 3 Class Formats
  • Diverse Topics
  • Practical Resources

Las becas son para residentes de CA que califiquen. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ si está fuera de CA. Ingrese el código strongrelationships para obtener un 50% de descuento.

Scholarships are for qualifying CA residents. Please CLICK HERE if outside CA. Enter code strongrelationships for a 50% discount.

News & Events

The R3academy is part of HealthyRelathionshipsCA and is part of the federal grants ### and ###. Our mission is to provide meaningful skills training and resources in the areas of fatherhood and relationship development. We also provide important research to other organizations that help inform future curriculum, spending, and technologies.
Please refer to our resource library for more information about any of our exciting initiatives or to gain insightful and practical tools.
The R3academy is part of HealthyRelathionshipsCA and is part of the federal grants ### and ###. Our mission is to provide meaningful skills training and resources in the areas of fatherhood and relationship development. We also provide important research to other organizations that help inform future curriculum, spending, and technologies.
Please refer to our resource library for more information about any of our exciting initiatives or to gain insightful and practical tools.

If you have any questions about our programs or scholarships please complete the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

These programs teach valuable relationship skills that have been helpful to many! These programs are not, however, intended for treatment of domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse, or other addictions. If you are experiencing any of these in your relationship, we urge you to seek additional support.
¡Esta clase enseña Herramientas invaluables de comunicación que han ayudado a muchos! Sin embargo, esta clase no está diseñada para tratar con problemas serios tales como lo son la violencia doméstica, abuso de alcohol u otras sustancias, o adicciones. Si te encuentras experimentando cualquiera de estas situaciones en tu relación, te recomiendo que busques apoyo adicional.
Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grants: #90ZB0026 & #90ZJ0046. These services are available to all eligible persons, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or religion.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.