Healthy Relationships California’s


Healthy Relationships California’s


At R3 Academy, we focus on your three most important relationships – partner, kids, and in the workplace.

R3 Academy for Couples

This 12-session workshop gives all couples the practical tools and research-based teaching to overcome past hurts and difficult emotions. Couples will learn skills that focus on:

  • Approaching conflict in NEW ways to gain cooperation!
  • CONNECTING with their partner in a deep & meaningful way!
  • Getting BETTER at dealing with difficult emotions!
  • Making HUGE improvements in all of their relationships!

 Healthy Relationships California (HRC) has received Federal funding to offer life-changing, evidence-based programs at no charge to qualifying participants in California.

What Participants Say


“We came to the class dragging many problems but we started attending and we started to treat each other better. In fact we were separated at the beginning of the year, but these talks helped us a lot, especially me.”


“I seriously thought my marriage was over. We learned a number of skills that helped us work through our issues. We have had a number of breakthroughs and our marriage is back on track.”


“I found this program to be most enlightening. I have gone to therapy, couples counseling and have never left with ‘tools’ or an actual thought of how and why to change. Every class that I attend just adds more to my tool box and for that I am so utterly grateful.”


“I’m thankful for this course because it has changed my way of thinking and reflecting on my marriage. We had developed a damaging routine, we had many problems, and I was thinking of divorce. After this course I saw a new solution for my marriage. Now we have more understanding, love, respect, and communication.”


“After almost 21 years of marriage, my husband and I communicate in a healthier way after taking the class. It has opened our eyes and our hearts and I feel that our lives will be happier and more satisfying after learning the proper tools, especially empathy and vulnerability.”


“Since we went through the class we hold hands. And look into each other’s eyes and talk about our issues, without one of us standing over one another. We can see that each one of us has an emotional side that each needs to talk about.”


“The class has been very helpful in making my husband and I able to communicate better in our marriage…Had I known this process years ago my life would have been much easier. It’s always helpful to know good ways to communicate and this is a program that helps with strategies for any type of communication.”


“I no longer blame my husband, but take responsibility for communicating and listening. I’ve always known my husband loves me, but this course has helped him understand my needs for communication, too. We talk instead of fight over disagreements, now.”


“This class has helped us in so many ways. I look forward to using the relationship skills I’ve learned. I know it will get rough at times but if we continue to apply what we have learned we can get through anything.”


“I wish you could have offered these classes thirty years ago. We wouldn’t have had to struggle so much.”


“I’ve been to many classes, counseling, workshops and read books and for some reason this was the one tool where everything just clicked. I feel more peace and hope about my marriage. It has allowed for actual communication in our household. A lot less screaming and yelling and this is just the beginning.”


“Things were slipping with all aspects of my family relationships. I was acting like my father did and was afraid things would never recover. Now, thanks to the R3 Academy Couples program, my wife and relationship with the kids is better than ever!”


“When we came [to this course] we had been separated for about a month and a half…Through this course I have learned to focus on the positive of our relationship not the negative. We are now living in a positive marriage enjoying each other, loving each other more every day.”


“I see my wife in a whole new way today; she is someone who desires to listen, to share and to explore life with me. I could see the beautiful woman I met so long ago and not [just] as a person who shares a house and children with me.”


“I really recommend these courses to all couples…I believe it is useful even to people who already have a good relationship and it could make a significant difference for people in troubled relationships.”


“The changes in my husband and I are so much better. After 49 years of marriage there is such a different attitude between us both. Our children see so much more love and understanding between the two of us and also to everyone else.”


“Not only do I understand my wife more clearly, I also can feel how she feels and walk in her shoes. We practice using this process daily and have even shared deeper experiences and this has brought us closer and brought a softness in our communication with each other.”


“The content was eye opening. It has provided me valuable skills on how to handle conflict in a meaningful way—address issues with confidence and look toward a resolution that all parties are happy with.” 


“When [my partner] and I first started attending these classes we were not sure about how exactly this class was going to help. We are now talking out problems without hurt, blame, resentment, or any of the other relationship pitfalls we were constantly digging for each other.”


“Taking this class has made me a more understanding person to my wife’s needs, it has helped me understand that there are more helpful ways of dealing with problems in the relationship.”

Upcoming Workshop Schedule

Choose the workshop format that works best for you. Each formats provide 12-weeks of Relationship Education focused on concrete, proven skills.

All participants receive workbooks and other course materials via mail.

Online: On-Demand

Set your schedule with new sessions unlocked every week, available over 14 days.

Click a box below to start the enrollment process.

Dates: April 9 – June 25, 2025
Time: New Content Every Wednesday

Dates: April 16 – July 2, 2025
Time: New Content Every Wednesday

Dates: April 23 – July 9, 2025
Time: New Content Every Wednesday

Dates: April 30 – July 16, 2025
Time: New Content Every Wednesday

Live: In-person

Attend a live and in person workshop with other couples in a traditional class setting.

Click a box below for more info on each workshop.

City: Santa Ana
Dates & Time: April 14 – Julio 7, 2025
Instructor: Rosi J.
Language: Spanish
Time: Mondays 7:30p-9:30p

City: San Ysidro
Dates & Time: April 29 – July 15, 2025
Instructor: Angel & Ana V.
Language: Spanish
Time: Tuesdays 6:30p-8:30p

City: Sacramento
Dates & Time: May 8 – July 24, 2025
Instructor: Edixon M.
Language: Spanish
Time: Thursdays 6:30p-8:30p

Counties for Live Locations

Livestream: Zoom

Participate along with other couples via Zoom from the comfort of your home.

Click a box below for more info on each workshop.

Dates: April 23 – July 9, 2025
Instructor: Edixon M.
Language: Spanish
Time: Wednesdays 6:30p-8:30p
Dates: May 7 – July 23, 2025
Instructor: Dan M.
Language: English
Time: Wednesdays 6:30p-8:30p
Dates: May 13 – July 29, 2025
Instructor: Rosi J.
Language: Spanish
Time: Tuesdays 6:30p-8:30p

What to Expect


Highly Effective Curricula

Research has shown our programs help participants meaningfully and effectively engage in and improve their relationships.

Easy-to-Use Skills

Practical skills to take from the “classroom” and use in the family room.

Experiential Learning

Course combines group discussions, one-on-one and small group exercises, interactive lectures, and high-quality videos.

Ongoing Support

Our R3 Academy Coaches check in by phone throughout the course to offer support.

High-Quality Products

Participants receive workbooks and R3 Academy swag, including an R3 Academy polo shirt.

No-Cost Experience

The course, the materials, and the products are fully paid for by a Federal grant.

Enroll Today!

The application process has four essential steps.


    • Step #1. Fill out and submit the Eligibility Survey, no later than 14 days prior to the workshop start date.
    • Step #2. Agree to the Privacy Statement sent via email. Expect at least 2 people to contact you prior to the email.
    • Step #3. Complete the Demographic Survey with a team member over the phone.
    • Step #4. Complete the Relationship Survey with a team member over the phone. (Steps 3 and 4 can be completed in the same call).


There is limited space in livestream and in-person workshops. You may not get into your preferred workshop if you do not apply well in advance.

IMPORTANT: Couples must each complete these steps individually before they can attend.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the cost for this workshop?
The R3 Academy is available for FREE to adult couples (18+ years old) residing in California.
Do I need to participate with my partner?
Yes. To attend the couples workshop, both partners must participate together. Individuals cannot be accepted.
How long is the workshop?
The R3 Academy is a 24-hour workshop. Livestream workshops meet in two-hour sessions, typically once a week for 12 weeks. Live workshops can be either two-hour weekly sessions for 12 weeks or four-hour weekly sessions for six weeks. The On-Demand learning method delivers a two-hour session to your Inbox each week, which you can complete at any time during the following 14 days.
How will I be contacted by the R3 Academy team?
Participants attending a free R3 Academy workshop will receive phone calls, texts, and emails from an R3 Academy Participant Representative and an R3 Academy Coach throughout the workshop. Participant Reps guide applicants through the application process and send weekly class reminders. Coaches offer additional support and resources. Workshop materials will be shipped to participants via USPS or another common carrier.
What if I miss a Live or Livestream class?
Attendance at the first session of any Live or Livestream R3 Academy is mandatory. If you are not able to attend the first session, we can transfer you to a future R3 Academy workshop or you can opt for the On-Demand format. After the first class, you can make-up up to two sessions by watching a video presentation of the material you missed. These make-up videos will count toward your overall attendance, and can help you earn the incentives for attending at least 90% of the workshop.
What incentives do you offer?
For completing the Entrance and Exit Survey, participants receive a $25 gift card. If the participant attends 90% of the workshop classes, they can receive an additional $50 gift card. Another $25 gift card is given if participants complete a 4-month Follow-up Survey.


The R3 Academy Customer Service Line is available 24/7. Leave a message at (877) 989-7501 and a R3 Academy representative will respond within 2-business days.

These programs teach valuable relationship skills that have been helpful to many! These programs are not, however, intended for treatment of domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse, or other addictions. If you are experiencing any of these in your relationship, we urge you to seek additional support. If you need help with domestic violence:


This website is supported by Grant Number 90ZB0026 from the Office of Family Assistance within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Family Assistance.
Healthy Relationships California (HRC) is currently conducting a study to understand how the R3 Academy for Couples benefits couples. Participation in this research study is completely voluntary. Participants are compensated based on achieving attendance milestones and survey participation.