About the Program

R3 Academy for Dads
R3 Academy for Dads gives fathers the parenting tools, communication skills, relationship insights, and encouraging support to improve their relationships with their kids, co-parents, and their co-workers.
The R3 Academy for Dads is a 12-week workshop that focuses on:
Interpersonal Relationship Skills
Practical Parenting Practices
Household Finances
Healthy Relationships California (HRC) has received Federal funding to offer life-changing, evidence-based programs at no charge to qualifying participants in California.
What Participants Say
“I thought my family was over. I learned skills that helped me work through the issues I had with the kids and even my wife. We have had a number of breakthroughs and our family is back on track.”

“Things were slipping with all aspects of my family relationships. I was acting like my father did and was afraid things would never recover. Now, thanks to the R3 Academy Dads program, my relationship with the kids is better than ever!”

Upcoming Workshop Schedule
Choose the workshop format that works best for you. All three formats provide 12-weeks of Relationship Education focused on concrete, proven skills. All participants receive workbooks and other course materials via mail.

Online: On-Demand
Set your schedule with new sessions unlocked every week, available over 14 days.
Dates: Nov. 16 – Feb. 1, 2023
Time: New Content Every Wednesday
Begin Enroll By: Nov. 6
Dates: Nov. 23 – Feb. 8, 2023
Time: New Content Every Wednesday
Begin Enroll By: Nov. 13
Dates: Nov. 30 – Feb. 15, 2023
Time: New Content Every Wednesday
Begin Enroll By: Nov. 20
Dates: Dec. 7 – Feb. 22, 2023
Time: New Content Every Wednesday
Begin Enrollment By: Nov. 27

Live: In-person
Attend a live and in person workshop with other fathers in a traditional class setting.
City: Hayward
Dates: Oct. 20 – Jan. 26, 2023
Instructor: Dan M.
Time: Thursdays 6p-8p
Begin Enroll By: Oct. 10
Language: English
Dates: Jan. 26 – April 13, 2023
Instructor: Edixon M.
Time: Thursdays 6:30p-8:30p
Begin Enroll By: Jan. 16
Language: Spanish

Livestream: Zoom
Participate along with other fathers via Zoom from the comfort of your home.
Dates: Nov. 28 – Feb. 21, 2023
Instructor: Baldwin S.
Time: Tuesdays 6:30p-8:30p
Begin Enroll by: Nov. 19
Language: English
Dates: Jan. 20 – Apr. 7, 2023
Instructor: James F.
Time: Fridays 6:30p-8:30p
Begin Enroll by: Jan. 10
Language: English
Click Here to see our other offerings for Couples
What to Expect
Top-Notch Instruction
Highly Effective Curricula
Research has shown our programs help participants meaningfully and effectively engage in and improve their relationships.
Easy-to-Use Skills
Experiential Learning

Ongoing Support
High-Quality Products
No-Cost Experience
Enroll Today!
R3 Academy workshops are available for free to Californian dads. To attend, fathers will need to complete the multi-step enrollment process, which includes online forms and phone calls with an R3 Academy Participant Representative. Application process must be completed 10 days prior to start date of the workshop.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the cost for this workshop?
The R3 Academy is available for FREE to adult fathers (18+ years old) residing in California.
How long is the workshop?
The R3 Academy is a 24-hour workshop. Livestream workshops meet in two-hour sessions, typically once a week for 12 weeks. Live workshops can be either two-hour weekly sessions for 12 weeks or four-hour weekly sessions for six weeks. The On-Demand learning method delivers a two-hour session to your Inbox each week, which you can complete at any time during the following 14 days.
What are the steps to enrolling?
To attend for free, applicants must complete a process required by HRC’s funding guidelines. The first step is completing the Eligibility Survey. Once your eligibility is verified, you will be contacted by an R3 Academy Participant Representative to complete additional forms, including two surveys that will be used to conduct valuable research into the importance of Relationship Education programs.
How will I be contacted by the R3 Academy team?
Participants attending a free R3 Academy workshop will receive phone calls, texts, and emails from an R3 Academy Participant Representative and an R3 Academy Coach throughout the workshop. Participant Reps guide applicants through the application process and send weekly class reminders. Coaches offer additional support and resources. Workshop materials will be shipped to participants via USPS or another common carrier.
What if I miss a Live or Livestream class?
Attendance at the first session of any Live or Livestream R3 Academy is mandatory. If you are not able to attend the first session, we can transfer you to a future R3 Academy workshop or you can opt for the On-Demand format.
After the first class, you can make-up up to two sessions by watching a video presentation of the material you missed. These make-up videos will count toward your overall attendance, and can help you earn the incentives for attending at least 90% of the workshop.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.