A Message From Your Instructor

Read the Message

Hi. It was so great to have you in my R3 Academy workshop, and I hope you have been able to use those life-changing Skills since we last met.

I wanted to reach out to you now to ask for your help. My team has contacted you recently for your Exit Survey, and I really hope you’ll take time to complete it. We were able to provide this program to you at no cost because we are researching how effective it is. Well, now we need you to help us with that research! When your R3 Academy Representative next contacts you, please respond. Or, you can fill out the form on this page and I’ll let my teammates know you’re waiting for their call. REMEMBER, we need to talk to both you and your partner so please check in to make sure they’ve also talked with us.

Additionally, if you know someone who would benefit from the R3 Academy for Couples, there’s a blurb on this page that you can copy and paste to share upcoming workshops with them.

Your help is so important to me and to our whole team at Healthy Relationships California! Thank you in advance. I’m grateful to have met you and so encouraged by your dedication to your relationship!


Share the R3 Academy

Copy the text and link and paste it into a text or email to someone who will benefit from the workshop.

I just finished taking a really amazing course all about healthy relationship and communication skills. I think you’ll love it! And it’s free for Californians. Check this out to learn more about it or to sign up: R3academy.org/couples