Healthy Relationships California’s

transform your relationships
Powerful Skills-Based Workshops for Couples & Dads
Healthy Relationships California (HRC) welcomes Californians to take part in the life-changing R3 Academy.
HRC has received federal funding to offer these evidence-based workshops for free to participants.


Workshop Formats
To overcome common participation obstacles, HRC has created three formats for the R3 Academy. The R3 Academy Couples and R3 Academy Dads programs are available On-demand, Live: In-person, and via Livestream.

Online: On-demand

Live: In-person

Livestream: Zoom
Participate along with others via Zoom from the comfort of your home.
Apply Today!
The application process has four essential steps.
- Step #1. Fill out and submit the Eligibility Survey, no later than 14 days prior to the workshop start date.
- Step #2. Agree to the Privacy Statement sent via email. Expect at least 2 people to contact you prior to the email.
- Step #3. Complete the Demographic Survey with a team member over the phone.
- Step #4. Complete the Relationship Survey with a team member over the phone. (Steps 3 and 4 can be completed in the same call).
There is limited space in livestream and in-person workshops. You may not get into your preferred workshop if you do not apply well in advance.
IMPORTANT: Couples must each complete these steps individually before they can attend.
Apply Today!
The application process has four essential steps.
- Step #1. Fill out and submit the Eligibility Survey, no later than 10 days prior to the workshop start date.
- Step #2. Agree to the Privacy Statement sent via email. Expect at least 2 people to contact you prior to the email.
- Step #3. Complete the Demographic Survey with a team member over the phone.
- Step #4. Complete the Relationship Survey with a team member over the phone. (Steps 3 and 4 can be completed in the same call).
There is limited space in livestream and in-person workshops. You may not get into your preferred workshop if you do not apply well in advance.
IMPORTANT: Couples must each complete these steps individually before they can attend.
What to Expect
R3 Couples
R3 Dads
This workshop has a strong focus on positive parenting skills to build a strong relationship with their children. The communication and relationship skills taught are applicable at home and in the workplace. In addition, financial management and job improvement teaching are included.

Easy-to-use Skills
Workshop Length
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Healthy Relationships California?
How many people have attended an HRC workshop?
How much does it cost to attend one of the R3 Academy workshops?
What kinds of topics are covered at the R3 Academy Couples workshop?
What kinds of topics are covered at the R3 Academy Dads workshop?
Who conducts the R3 Academy workshops?
Has HRC ever done research on their workshops?
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Healthy Relationships California?
How many people have attended an HRC program?
How much does it cost to attend one of the R3 Academy courses?
What kinds of topics are covered at the R3 Academy Couples course?
What kinds of topics are covered at the R3 Academy Dads course?
Who conducts the R3 Academy courses?
Has HRC ever done research on their programs?

This website is supported by Grants #90ZJ0046 and #90ZB0026 from the Office of Family Assistance within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Family Assistance.
Healthy Relationships California (HRC) is currently conducting a study to understand how the R3 Academy benefits couples and fathers. Participation in this research study is completely voluntary. Participants are compensated based on achieving attendance milestones and survey participation.